An illustration of an electric car charging

PLUS ES - Trial Waiver

The AER, through the Energy Innovation Toolkit, has granted PLUS ES a Trial Waiver in relation to clauses 7.3.1(b)(2) and 7.8.3(a) of the National Electricity Rules to allow for the installation and operation for up to 1,000 novel electric vehicle chargers, for up to 5 years. We see this trial delivering benefits to consumers by contributing to a potentially cheaper and faster EV charging roll-out. We also expect this trial to provide learnings to the market, including by providing the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) with learnings to support implementing the Unlocking CER benefits through flexible trading rule change, and also to support amending AEMO’s Metrology Procedure to better integrate EV chargers with smart meter capabilities.

Type:Regulatory Sandboxing Trial Waiver  
Segment:EV kerbside charging
Status:Decision Published - Trial Approved. Trial in progress.  
Trial Period5 years
Region:New South Wales & South Australia
Service provider:PLUS ES


The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has granted a trial waiver to plus ES for the installation of up to 1,000 novel electric vehicle chargers, for a period of 5 years in New South Wales and South Australia. PLUS ES will partner with distribution network service providers (DNSPs) to lease space on power poles and streetlights to install up to 1,000, 7-22 kW single or double port kerbside EV chargers. 

A copy of the final waiver decision document is provided below.

PLUS ES has been granted the waiver to trial an innovative metering solution for pole mounted kerbside EV chargers that improves the efficiency and cost of public EV chargers. This is achieved by packaging the metering and charging elements in a single EV charging unit. To achieve this, PLUS ES has been granted a waiver from some technical metering requirements in the National Electricity Rules

By waiving certain requirements that the meters need to meet, this allows PLUS ES to test if these meters can provide the expected service and performance of current meters used in the market. In seeking this waiver, PLUS ES expects to reduce the upfront capital costs and ongoing operational costs of pole mounted kerbside EV chargers. Additionally, this trial is also expected to provide AEMO with learnings to support implementing the ‘Unlocking CER benefits through flexible trading’ rule change, including amending AEMO’s Metrology Procedure to better integrate EV chargers with smart meter capabilities.

The trial was approved under the AER’s regulatory sandboxing powers allowing a time-limited waiver from certain regulatory requirements through the Energy Innovation Toolkit and is subject to a range of conditions including complying with the remaining parts of the Metrology Procedure, meter installation date and reporting requirements. 

To facilitate its innovative metering solution for pole mounted kerbside EV chargers, PLUS ES is seeking a waiver from two clauses in the National Electricity Rules (NER):  

  • clause 7.3.1(b)(2) (relating to the Australian Energy Market Operator ’s Metrology Procedure Part A). 
  • clause 7.8.3(a) (relating to compliance with the minimum services specification in the NER). 

Clause 7.3.1(b)(2) of the NER requires adherence to Metrology Procedure Part A, however PLUS ES only requires a waiver from clause 3.1(a)(i) of this procedure as the proposed meters do not meet Australian Standards 60252.11. The proposed meter exceeds the standard for some elements and does not for others. Where these standards are not met, PLUS ES has specified how these will be managed as part of this trial. Similarly, where the minimum service specification differs to the current requirements (clause 7.8.3(a) of the NER), PLUS ES has outlined its assessment against these requirements and, if appropriate, any solutions. These are specified further in PLUS ES’ trial waiver application. 

To ensure trial learnings, the AER has imposed conditions on the trial waiver to PLUS ES as part of the trial waiver. These are detailed in the final waiver decision document. The conditions address: 

The AER has imposed a number of conditions on PLUS ES as part of the trial waiver, including:

  • Comply with the remaining parts of the Metrology Procedure: Where compliance with a procedure or guideline is a rule requirement, the AER is able to waive compliance with that requirement and require compliance with the remainder of the guideline or procedure as a condition of granting the trial waiver. As such, compliance with the remaining sections are a requirement of the trial waiver. 
  • Meter installation date: As the main benefit of the trial relates to learnings for AEMO, including in its review of Metrology Procedures to be completed by 30 June 2026. We have included a deadline for meter installation to ensure the trial meters are installed in time to provide AEMO any data and relevant learnings. We have also included an expectation for an interim target of installations to be met. 
  • Meter replacements: There may be instances where trial meters need to be replaced during this trial, in these cases the meters will be replaced with either current market compliant or trial meters.
  • Reporting Requirements: We have engaged closely with AEMO to ensure a range of learnings and data points are provided to inform its development of procedures and guidelines. 
  • NSW Reports: As a number of the meters are being delivered through a NSW Government grants program, with its own reporting requirements, the AER will receive these reports which will inform our consideration of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure policy more broadly.

This final decision document also outlines some expectations which, while not legally binding, include issues we consider important to highlight, such as adhering to jurisdictional requirements, advising consumers about the complaints process and an interim metering target for 31 December 2025. 

We note there is a broader consideration in the industry around the role of DNSPs and their related entities in the EV charging space, and the effectiveness of ring-fencing as a regulatory tool in this respect. A number of stakeholders raised concerns in this respect when we consulted on this trial waiver application. This trial is not authorising the installation of chargers or meters, as PLUS ES is already permitted to undertake these activities. Instead, this trial is authorising the installation of a new kind of within-charger smart meter that removes the need to install a separate meter. 

If evidence of ring-fencing breaches is identified during the trial duration, the AER retains the right under cl. 8.18.2(i) of the National Electricity Rules and our Trial Projects Guidelines to terminate a trial waiver for breaches of other obligations under the national energy laws, rules or regulations. 

While unrelated to this trial waiver, we have the opportunity to explore the role of DNSPs and their related entities in EV charging, and other emerging issues, through future reviews of our distribution ring-fencing guidelines, individual ring-fencing waiver applications and our ring-fencing compliance role. This includes the opportunity to explore facilities access agreements as required. We welcome engagement from stakeholders in these relevant, but separate, processes.

Key trial documents

AER - Trial Waiver Final Decision - PLUS ES - March 2025.pdf (pdf 407.18 KB)
Consultation Notice - PLUS ES Trial Waiver Application October 2024.pdf (pdf 656.72 KB)
Addendum - PLUS ES trial waiver application - November 2024.pdf (pdf 630.28 KB)


In total, we received 16 written submissions as part of the consultation process.

AEMO - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 147.11 KB)
AGL - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 67.56 KB)
Ausgrid - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 157.52 KB)
ChargePost - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 165.02 KB)
Citipower, Powercor & United Energy - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 977.07 KB)
Connected Kerb - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 110 KB)
Electric Vehicle Council - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 171.11 KB)
Electric Vehicle Council - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 171.11 KB)
Endeavour Energy - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 303.19 KB)
Essential Energy - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 184.08 KB)
Evie Networks - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 100.82 KB)
EVX - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 74.28 KB)
Landis+Gyr - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 108.13 KB)
National Electrical and Commuications Association (NECA) - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 210.81 KB)
SAPN - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 147.02 KB)
Tesla - PLUS ES - Consultation submission.pdf (pdf 162.94 KB)