
Policy-led Sandboxing

Accelerating access, deployment and orchestration of distributed energy resources through the regulatory sandbox

What is policy-led sandboxing?

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is calling for large-scale innovative trial ideas that test how the regulatory sandboxing framework can:  

  • accelerate understanding of the best models to overcome barriers to access, deployment and orchestration of customer energy resources (CER) and distributed energy resources (DER) 
  • create incentives in a way that is both effective for, and protective of, consumer interests.   

This approach builds on the existing Energy Innovation Toolkit and Innovation Enquiry Service functions which have been in operation since 2022. These functions will remain open and available to innovators.

It is delivered in conjunction with project partners at the Australian Energy Market Commission , Australian Energy Market Operator , the Australian Renewable Energy Agency , and the Essential Services Commission .

Under these functions, innovative approaches to solving problems with the energy framework can be tested. The AER can grant a time-limited trial waiver for eligible trial projects, exempting an innovator from having to comply with specified laws and rules for a period of time to allow a trial to proceed. A trial rule change process allows the AEMC to temporarily change existing rules or introduce a new rule to allow a trial to proceed. 
Through these trial processes, we can run temporary changes of regulatory framework, to enable ideas to be tested. 

Buckets: areas of focus

The “buckets” below reflect high-level concepts that the EIT seeks to explore through trials. These buckets are designed to be broad, allowing innovators to propose ideas that support the objective of multiple buckets without being constrained by overly detailed requirements. These six buckets deliberately target different areas of the regulatory framework and established energy industry practices and are designed to enable some diametrically opposed approaches to be tested. 

Trial IdeasDetail
Network-led orchestration or coordinationCan, and should, Distribution Network Service Providers (DNSPs) enable access to, and deployment and orchestration of, DER/CER?
•    Test different models of DNSP-led CER access, deployment and orchestration.
•    Test price signals versus direct control to drive DNSP-led CER orchestration.
•    This could help test the benefits and risks of the relationships involved in this model, how value can be shared and what the consumer response is, including in terms of trust.
Network data visibility as an enablerHow can we better improve access to network data to facilitate the effective orchestration of targeted CER by non-network participants?
•    Use network data to deploy and orchestrate or coordinate CER.
•    Test different commercial models for CER orchestration. This could help test an entirely different set of relationships to the network-led bucket and would provide an important point of comparison. It would also test how value can be shared and the consumer response.
Flexible metering and EV chargingCan the metering regulations better accommodate CER and electric vehicle (EV) Charging?
•    Solutions that allow EV customers to pay one dedicated retailer remotely (rather than multiple charge point operators).
•    Other technical metering trials to lower the costs of installation and incentivise greater uptake.
•    This could help test how to target EVs and other sources of CER/load with potentially the greatest bang for buck in terms of impact because of their size or flexibility.
Social retailingCan customers, local government and communities own or control their own energy service arrangements to deliver the cleanest, lowest cost energy system for the community?
•    Solar installation on all viable roof space, irrespective of the load behind the meter.
•    Efficient deployment of storage to smooth out generation, demand & network utilisation, including during periods of low solar generation.
•    Participation of generation, storage and flexible loads to be orchestrated to make best use of local generation and existing network capacity.
•    The usage of zero marginal cost solar electricity through increased electrification of heating, hot water, transportation and cooking.
•    Increased transparency of the state of the local network and the underlying price of electricity.
Tariff innovationAlternative retail pricing models for managing network tariff signals.
•    Test retailer innovations to manage network tariff signals and how these could be aligned with network tariff design and processes.
•    Evaluate consumer responses to alternative pricing and billing models.
•    This could help test alternative tools of orchestration and the consumer response, including the impact on trust and social licence.
Virtual Power Plant (VPP) aggregation incentivesTesting consumer appetite for different levels of control and different commercial models.
•    Test the use of price signals versus direct control to drive CER orchestration.
•    Assess consumer appetite for third-party direct control of CER.
•    This could help test the benefits and limitations of this type of service model, including what the consumer response is.

Further information is available here:

Policy-led Sandboxing_ accelerating access_ deployment and orchestration of distributed energy resources through the regulatory sandbox - 13 February 2025.pdf (pdf 350.86 KB)