This hypothetical case study will be particularly relevant to microgrid operators, local governments, community groups, universities, embedded network operators, developers, strata owners’ corporations, owners of commercial precincts or shopping centres, and other innovators looking for opportunities in this space.
There is no definition of a ‘microgrid’ in the National Electricity Law (NEL) or National Electricity Rules (NER) or state and territory energy laws. As such, it is often used by different parties to refer to different things, including isolated standalone power systems, embedded networks with consumer energy resources (CER) and standard connections with CER. In the context of this case study, we will use the term ‘microgrid’ to refer to electricity networks that can be isolated and operated independently of the interconnected electricity system (the ‘grid’). This includes pure standalone microgrids that do not have the capability to operate in a grid-connected mode and embedded microgrids which retain a single point of connection with the grid but can interface with the wholesale electricity market. Importantly, the capability to isolate and operate independently of the grid is what distinguishes an embedded microgrid from other standalone embedded networks.
The regulatory regime applicable to a microgrid in Australia will differ significantly depending on several factors, including whether a microgrid is connected to the National Electricity Market (NEM), whether the proponent is a local distributor or another party, and the jurisdiction in which the microgrid is located. The regulatory frameworks are summarised in the table below.
Microgrid category |
Applicable regulatory framework |
Stand-alone microgrid – led by local distributor1 |
Stand-alone microgrid – led by parties other than the local distributor |
Embedded microgrid – led by parties other than the local distributor2 |
State and territory regimes for microgrids - in particular, stand-alone microgrids - differ widely, including in relation to their application of energy consumer protections. For example, while most microgrid customers are limited in their choice of retailer and/or microgrid operator, many jurisdictions apply some pricing protections to these customers.
In addition, many jurisdictions have licensing and exemption regimes which enable the relevant state or territory regulator to apply certain regulatory obligations to licensees and exempt parties. Again, while the extent of these obligations can vary significantly between jurisdictions, parties wishing to sell, supply or generate electricity within a microgrid will generally be required to comply with some degree of energy-sector regulation.
This case study explores two scenarios
To help identify and unpack some of the key regulatory issues that a proponent of a microgrid may encounter when navigating the national, as well as relevant state or territory based, regulations, this case study will explore two scenarios:
- Scenario 1 | Stand-alone community microgrid led by a party other than the local distribution business
- Scenario 2 | Embedded microgrid within a precinct.
For each scenario, the following information is provided:
- a high-level overview of a hypothetical project including the project goals, project facts and ownership and service delivery models
- relevant authorisation, registration and licence requirements applicable to the hypothetical business model
- key energy specific regulatory obligations applicable to the hypothetical business model, and
- potential challenges the hypothetical Proponents may need to navigate when developing each of these business models.
The Use Cases on this website (‘Material’), are made available for use on the following basis:
- Purpose: The Material is provided for general information only. It is designed to assist you to gain a basic understanding of the subject matter and is not intended to be comprehensive. You are not permitted to commercialise it or any information contained in it. The Material is not and should not be regarded as legal, business or other professional advice. It should not be relied on and is not a substitute for obtaining independent legal, business or other professional advice relevant to your particular circumstances.
- Currency: The Material is based on publicly available information as at the date of its preparation. The Material is current as at 1 July 2024.
- Scope: The Material only covers energy market regulatory obligations that are administered by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER), the Australian Energy Market Operator or the relevant state or territory energy regulator. It does not cover other obligations that may apply, such as safety obligations, general consumer law obligations or obligations under the financial services regulatory framework. It also does not cover associated technical matters such as compliance with Australian standards or connection requirements.
- No reliance or warranty: The Material may be subsequently amended or updated. While reasonable care is taken in the preparation of the Material, the AER makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the currency, accuracy, reliability or completeness of the Material, or as to its suitability for any purpose. In all cases, anyone proposing to rely on or use the Material should independently verify its accuracy, completeness, reliability and suitability for their own purposes, and obtain independent and specific advice from appropriate experts.
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Scenario 1 : Standalone Community Grid
Project overview
A small, isolated coastal community located in Far North Queensland is aiming to establish a self-reliant and 100 percent renewable energy supply system.
The community has a population of 1,500.
Currently, residents and businesses largely rely on importing diesel to power several generation sets. These systems are expensive to run and unreliable for the 600 residential and business premises located within the area. Some residents have solar PV systems installed at their home, but these numbers are small.
The local council, with support of the community and a locally owned renewable energy company (the ‘Proponent’) are developing an alternative supply solution for the area. In partnership with several technology vendors, the Proponent plans to utilise innovative energy technologies to coordinate wind generation, residential solar PV, a battery energy storage system, and information and communication systems.
Infrastructure to enable EV charging stations will also be incorporated into the microgrid in anticipation of future electric vehicle uptake intended to both help optimise energy flow within the microgrid and decarbonise the community transport system.
Project goals
The isolated community microgrid project seeks to:
- increase reliability of electricity supply
- reduce electricity costs for the community (largely driven by diesel generation and accounting for currently 20-30 percent of average household income), and
- power the community from 100 percent renewable generation.
Project facts
Stand-alone community microgrid |
Location |
Far North Queensland |
Population |
1,500 |
Households and businesses |
600 |
Proponent |
A locally owned renewable energy company in partnership with the local council |
Microgrid specifications |
Combination of wind, solar and battery storage, plus diesel generation for back-up (10MW) |
Ownership and service delivery
Through a cost-sharing arrangement, the Proponent plans to implement a community-ownership model which will give the community (individuals, households and businesses) the option to take partial ownership of the key local energy assets – that is, the wind turbines and battery energy storage system. The Proponent will fill the funding gaps. Households will also be given the opportunity to own the rooftop solar PV (this would be optional).
Given the size of the microgrid and its remote location, the Proponent plans to provide an 'all in one' service to households and businesses. The bundled service will include:
- local generation and energy storage services (electricity for supply and sale within the microgrid)
- network services (supply of electricity within the microgrid)
- retail services (sale of electricity within the microgrid), and
- supporting services, such as metering.
Using smart technologies developed in partnership with an innovative technology firm, the Proponent also plans to perform activities related to system operation, including system control, installation, operation and management of the remote electricity supply.
Overview of authorisation, registration and licensing requirements
The National Energy Retail Law (NERL) and National Energy Retail Rules (NERR) do not generally apply to isolated microgrids operated by a person other than the local distributor. However, unlike other jurisdictions, Queensland does not limit the application of the NERL and the NERR to the sale of electricity to customers connected to the interconnected electricity system – that is, it also includes sale of electricity to customers connected to isolated systems. As such, the Proponent will require either a retail authorisation or exemption from the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) to be able to sell energy to households and businesses within the microgrid. Given the size of the microgrid and that the primary relationship between the Proponent and its customers will be the sale of electricity, it is unlikely that the Proponent would be eligible for an exemption from the requirement to become an authorised retailer.3
The National Electricity Law (NEL) and National Electricity Rules (NER) do not generally apply to isolated microgrids operated by parties that are not the local distribution business.4 This means that the Proponent would not need to comply with the provisions of the NEL and NER, including the requirements related to registration and participation in the wholesale and retail markets, network connections and planning, economic regulation of networks, metering arrangements and system security obligations.
In Queensland,5 anyone intending to operate electricity infrastructure needs to hold an electricity licence (‘electricity authority’).6 Specifically, generators need a generation authority (unless the generating plant they operate has a capacity of 30MW or less), and network service providers need either a transmission or distribution authority.
Alternatively, a ‘special approval’ could be sought from the Queensland Department of Energy and Public Works which would enable a party to perform the activities of a generator, network service provider or both without having to hold the relevant electricity authority. Special approvals are commonly granted to resources companies and island resort operators that wish to generate and supply electricity at the site of their operations.
The licensing requirements (or exemptions) that are potentially applicable to this case study include:
- Queensland generation authority (or deemed special approval) - Given the Proponent will operate generating plant with a capacity of less than 30MW, it will be eligible for a deemed special approval allowing it to connect generation to the microgrid without requiring a generation authority.
- Queensland distribution authority (or special approval) - As the owner/operator of the supply network within the microgrid, the proponent would need to obtain a distribution authority containing certain conditions.
Description of key energy specific regulatory obligations
The table below sets out the key regulatory obligations that may be applicable to the Proponent as a result of the various registrations, authorisations and jurisdictional licenses that apply.
Requirement |
Key regulatory obligations |
Authorisations and exemptions |
Retailer authorisation required |
Authorised retailers must comply with the National Energy Retail Law (NERL) and National Energy Retail Rules (NERR), as they are applied as laws of Queensland (i.e. NERL(Qld) and NERR(Qld)), as well as any relevant provisions of the National Electricity Law (NEL) and National Electricity Rules (NER), and jurisdictional energy legislation, before they start selling energy. Authorised retailers have various obligations in respect of the sale and supply of electricity to small customers, relating to:
Licences and exemptions – |
Exempt from requirement to hold a generation authority (deemed special approval) |
A generation entity acting under a special approval must comply with relevant provisions set out in the Electricity Act 1994 (Qld) including:
Distribution authority required7 |
A distribution authority is subject to a set of conditions set out in the Electricity Act 1994 (Qld) requiring (among other things):
It must also comply with additional conditions set out in the Electricity Act 1994 (Qld), including in relation to:
Other energy specific regulatory obligations
In addition to the regulatory obligations that flow from the various registration, authorisation and jurisdictional licensing requirements, the Proponent will also need to be aware of other energy specific regulatory obligations under the national and relevant jurisdictional energy frameworks. For example:
Safety provisions set out in the Electrical Safety Act 2002 (Qld) cover microgrid operators, as the provisions apply to both distributors and holders of special approvals under the Electricity Act 1994 (Qld). The Electrical Safety Act also includes safety requirements for anyone performing electrical work (including designing, manufacturing, supplying and installing electrical equipment).
Other than in South East Queensland where electricity prices have been deregulated since 1 July 2016, retail electricity prices in Queensland are regulated by the Queensland Competition Authority. Regulated retail prices apply to all authorised retailers. As discussed above, the Proponent is likely to require a retailer authorisation from the AER due to the size and nature of the microgrid and will therefore be subject to regulated retail prices. The uniform tariff policy means that the prices applicable to residential customers supplied by in a microgrid in regional Queensland will be no higher than the prices applicable to NEM-connected residential customers in regional Queensland.
The Queensland Electricity Distribution Network Code (2015) establishes guaranteed service levels for various services provided to customers by parties with a distribution authorisation, including specified service levels for customers of microgrids. If the service levels are not met, the distributor must pay the customers specified amounts.8
If the Proponent is considered a ‘retailer’ they will need to be a scheme participant under the Queensland Energy and Water Ombudsman Act (2006).
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) completed a review of the regulation of standalone power systems in 2019. The AEMC’s final report contains useful information on the current regulation of standalone microgrids and recommendations for regulatory reforms.9
Potential challenges for this hypothetical Proponent and their business model
The above discussion frames the breadth of regulatory obligations that the Proponent could face for the hypothetical project considered in this scenario.
In this context, there are a series of threshold questions that a proponent considering this, or a similar, business model may wish to consider in the early stages of their project.
The microgrid Proponent would face all the consumer protections imposed on authorised retailers in the National Electricity Market (NEM) and the penalty arrangements (including in some instances civil penalties) for breaches. These obligations are diverse, change from time to time, and range from responsibilities for protecting life support customers from power outages through to customer hardship obligations for financially distressed customers.
Transitioning customers to a new model of supply will involve the transfer, removal or decommissioning of the set of assets previously used to supply the customers of the microgrid. These assets could be owned by a local distribution business, another party or households and business within the community directly. The transfers of existing assets would be governed by commercial negotiations between the Proponent and the existing owner(s), recognising that an existing owner may not wish to sell the assets, and the Proponent may not wish to purchase them.
Retail electricity prices are subject to some form of regulation in all states and territories, either under the Default Market Offer (DMO) or under jurisdictional price regulation. In some states and territories, those price caps also apply to microgrids, while in other jurisdictions they only apply to customers connected to the National Electricity Market (NEM). As discussed above, in Queensland regulated retail prices are set by the Queensland Competition Authority and apply to all authorised retailers, including microgrids operated by an authorised retailer.
Microgrid proponents should obtain advice on the application and impact of price regulation in the relevant state or territory. Given the higher costs of supplying remote microgrid customers, the application of price regulation could result in prices being capped at below the operator’s costs unless it has access to other sources of funding to subsidise the costs.
Scenario 2 : Embedded Microgrid within a precinct
A local property developer (the ‘Proponent’) is embarking on a project to transform an abandoned industrial site in New South Wales into a vibrant city neighbourhood. The inner-city precinct will incorporate high-density, high and low-rise commercial developments and housing, and mixed-use open spaces. The property developer will retain ownership of the commercial properties while the residential properties will be built for sale.
As part of the master plan for the precinct, the Proponent is developing a model for energy supply that is consistent with the precinct-wide sustainability initiatives that will define the overall development.
In partnership with several innovative technical firms and its subsidiary energy supply business, the Proponent will introduce a smart energy system that supports the management and coordination of embedded generation (predominately solar PV), energy storage and two-way power flows within the precinct’s energy supply system. The Proponent intends to use the revenues from the retail sale of energy to commercial and residential customers within the precinct to fund part of the development and energy infrastructure.
While the intention is for the precinct to be largely independent of the grid using its own energy supply system, it will maintain a connection with the broader electricity network and will interface with the national electricity market. This will provide improved reliability by allowing the precinct to use energy from the grid if needed but also to operate disconnected from the grid during outages. It will also provide the Proponent with a potential additional revenue stream from selling energy and ancillary services to the market. In this sense, the precinct will operate as an embedded microgrid.
By installing and managing consumer energy resources (CER) within an embedded microgrid, the energy supply system will deliver benefits to the commercial businesses and residents within the precinct, as well as to customers on the broader network.
Project goals
The embedded microgrid project seeks to:
- manage CER to benefit customers within the precinct by:
- minimising reliance and dependency on the main grid
- reducing the precinct’s carbon footprint
- lowering energy costs for commercial businesses and residents
- interact with the broader electricity network and wholesale market to:
- reduce pressure on the network during high and peak demand
- sell zero emissions energy in the wholesale market, and
- provide frequency services to the grid through the ancillary services market.
Project facts
Embedded microgrid |
Location |
New South Wales |
Households and businesses |
15 buildings |
Proponent |
Local property developer |
Microgrid specifications |
Solar PV (1MW) and Battery Storage (1MW/2MWh) |
Ownership and service delivery
The Proponent plans to implement an external ownership model whereby its subsidiary, the energy supply company, will be the sole owner and operator of the local microgrid and the solar PV and battery systems. To keep things in-house, the energy supply company will also be responsible for selling electricity to customers within the precinct.
The energy supply company will coordinate the provision of the following services:
- to customers within the embedded microgrid:
- local generation and storage services (for supply and sale within the embedded microgrid)
- distribution services (the supply of electricity through the embedded microgrid)
- retail services (the sale of embedded generation and the on-selling of electricity bought from an authorised retailer (where needed) to customers in the embedded microgrid)
- microgrid operation (including supervision of energy transactions within and outside the microgrid).
- with parties outside the embedded microgrid:
- energy services (for supply and sale in the wholesale electricity market) through an Integrated Resource Provider (Small Resource) for the market connection point
- market ancillary services (for supply and sale in the ancillary services market) through an SGA10 or Demand Response Service Provider (DRSP) for load connection points
- network support services (for supply and sale to the local distribution network service provider)
- the purchase of energy and import from the grid to support on-site generation and storage when required.
Overview of authorisation, registration and licensing requirements
The National Electricity Law (NEL) and National Electricity Rules (NER) apply to embedded microgrids. This means that the energy supply company would need to comply with the provisions of the NEL and NER, including the requirements for registration by AEMO set out in the NER where relevant. Parties must pay a fee to register with AEMO11 and the process for registration is set out on AEMO’s website12.
The registration categories (and exemptions) that are potentially applicable to this case study include:
- Registration as a Network Service Provider – A person who owns, operates or controls a transmission or distribution system must register with AEMO as a Network Service Provider (NSP). However, the AER may exempt a person from registering as an NSP if the person meets specific criteria. An embedded network is a type of exempt network under the AER’s Electricity Network Service Provider – Registration Exemption Guideline (2018). An exempt embedded network service provider will still be subject to certain conditions set out in the Guideline, including in relation to consumer protections. It would also need to appoint an Embedded Network Manager for the microgrid, or be accredited by AEMO as an Embedded Network Manager, in accordance with the NER13.
- Registration as an Integrated Resource Provider – Any person who owns, controls or operates an integrated resource system connected to a transmission or distribution network must register with AEMO as an Integrated Resource Provider, except where they meet the exemption criteria. The solar PV and battery systems will constitute an integrated resource system for these purposes. In this case, the integrated resource system connected to the distribution system through an embedded network has a combined total nameplate rating of less than 5MW. This means that the Proponent will be automatically exempt from the requirement to register as an Integrated Resource Provider.
However, in order to be able to participate in the energy and ancillary services market (as an additional revenue stream to the Proponent) when connected to the grid, registration as an Integrated Resource Provider would be required, with the following classifications relevant to this case study:
- An Integrated Resource Provider would need to classify the connection point for the integrated resource system as a market connection point. This classification means the Integrated Resource Provider will be taken to be a Small Resource Aggregator, enabling the small generating units or small bidirectional units to participate in the wholesale market.
- The Integrated Resource Provider could then also classify the plant at the market connection point as an ancillary service unit. This classification means the Integrated Resource Provider will be taken to be an Ancillary Services Provider, enabling the battery to participate in ancillary services markets14.
Importantly, only one entity can be the financially responsible market participant for a connection point. For simplicity, this case study assumes that the authorised retailer is an existing Integrated Resource Provider and so can provide these additional services to the wholesale and ancillary services markets on behalf of the energy supply company. This avoids the need for the energy supply company to register as an Integrated Resource Provider.
In New South Wales, any person or business who sells energy to another person must either have a retailer authorisation or a retail exemption. The AER may exempt a person from the requirement to hold a retailer authorisation if the person meets specific criteria. Situations where a retailer authorisation is not necessary or appropriate include those where the seller is selling energy incidentally (i.e. the sale is not the seller’s core business), or where the cost of having an authorisation outweighs the benefits to customers, or where an insignificant amount of energy is being sold. Depending on the specific activity, selling energy in an embedded network is a type of exemption under the AER’s Retail Exempt Selling Guideline (version 6). An exempt energy seller will still be subject to certain conditions set out in the Guideline, including in relation to consumer protections.
There are various categories of exemptions, most linked to the type and number of customers being sold or supplied energy.
The registration categories (and exemptions) that are potentially applicable to this case study include:
- Exemption from the requirement to hold a retailer authorisation – This scenario assumes the proponent will be selling electricity to more than 10 residential and business customers within the embedded microgrid and meets all the other conditions of the exemptions15. The activity of sale of electricity therefore meets all the requirements of the registrable exemptions applicable to a person who sells electricity to customers in an embedded microgrid.
Description of key energy specific regulatory obligations
The table below sets out the key regulatory obligations that may be applicable to the Proponent as a result of the various registrations, authorisations and exemptions that apply.
Requirement |
Key regulatory obligations |
Registration and exemptions – Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) |
Exempt from registration as a Generator (automatic exemption) |
N/A |
Exempt from registration as a Network Service Provider (registrable exemption) | There are five basic requirements for exempt networks. An exempt person must:
Registration and exemptions – Australian Energy Regulator (AER) |
Exempt from requirements to hold a retail authorisation (registrable R1 and R2 exemptions for small commercial/retail and residential customer sale respectively) |
Under the AER’s Retail Exempt Selling Guideline, both deemed and registrable electricity retail activities must comply with several conditions. These include provisions related to explicit informed consent, customer contracts, billing disputes, life support obligations, payment difficulties, other billing obligations and payment methods. They also include conditions related to maximum price, customer dispute resolution and the provision of information. |
Exempt from requirements to hold a network licence (registrable ND1 and ND2 exemptions for small business and residential customer supply respectively) |
Under the AER’s electricity NSP Registration Exemption Guideline, both deemed and registrable electricity network activities must comply with several conditions. They include provisions related to metering, interaction with AEMO, distribution loss factors, pricing, appointment of an Embedded Network Manager and conversion of an existing site. They also include conditions related to customer dispute resolution and the provision of information. |
Other energy specific regulatory obligations
In addition to the regulatory obligations that flow from the various registration and exemption requirements, the Proponent and the energy supply company will also need to be aware of various other energy specific regulatory obligations related to the national and (relevant) jurisdictional energy frameworks. For example:
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW) sets out a range of safety provisions that apply to electrical workers, electrical equipment and electrical installations.
The AER’s Retail Exempt Selling Guideline includes a pricing condition on some retail exemption categories. This condition requires that an exempt seller must not charge the exempt customer tariffs higher than the standing offer price that would be charged by the relevant local area retailer for new connections, if the local area retailer were to supply that quantity, or estimated quantity, of energy directly to the premises of the exempt customer.
Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is currently undertaking a review to make recommendations to the New South Wales government on setting maximum prices for electricity, gas and hot and chilled water supplied through embedded network in NSW16. This review is part of the New South Wales government’s New South Wales Embedded Network Action Plan that contains a range of actions that impact the regulation of embedded networks in New South Wales17. If implemented, this maximum price will apply to the embedded microgrid in this case study and limit the amount the Proponent can charge customers for electricity services.
A person who is exempt from holding a distribution licence must still comply with the majority of provisions in the Electricity Supply Act 1995 (NSW) and regulations to efficiently deliver a safe and reliable supply of electricity18.
Connection of an embedded microgrid to a local distribution network will require a connection agreement between the embedded microgrid owner/operator and the local distribution business. These agreements set out the obligations of the distribution business in respect of the provision of customer connection services to the connection point. They also set out various obligation on the customer (in this case, the embedded microgrid owner/operator) including in relation to information provision, life support equipment, and safety. For example, electrical networks, including embedded microgrids owned and operated by exempt entities, may be subject to mandatory load shedding requirements in emergency situations, in accordance with the NER.
To provide market ancillary services, the embedded network would need to meet AEMO’s requirements for the MASS and participate in central dispatch, which would require telemetry and other sophisticated equipment. This is required by Chapter 3 of the NER and is subject to civil penalty provisions.
AEMO’s MSATS/CATS procedures contain the core requirements and obligations of retailers and other parties to undertake and complete retail customer transfers. These are required by Chapter 7 of the NER and are subject to civil penalty provisions.
Potential challenges for this hypothetical Proponent and their business model
The above discussion frames the breadth of regulatory obligations that the Proponent could face for the hypothetical project considered in this scenario.
In this context, there are a series of threshold questions that a proponent considering this, or a similar business model may wish to consider in the early stages of their project.
Electricity network service providers exempt by the AER from the requirement to be registered with AEMO and energy sellers exempt by the AER from the requirement to hold a retailer authorisation must understand and comply with all the obligations they have under their respective exemptions, and the New South Wales Electricity Supply Act 1995 and its Regulation. Given that the energy retail and distribution codes are varied from time to time, understanding the obligations and ensuring compliance will be an ongoing activity.
The AER is currently undertaking a review of the exemptions framework for embedded networks.19 An issues paper was published in November 2023 and seeks feedback on several options for reforms to the network and retailer exemptions for residential embedded networks. If implemented, some of these options could have a material impact on the availability of exemptions for embedded microgrids and/or the conditions applying to exemptions.
The pricing requirements set out in in the AER’s Network Exemption Guideline and Retail Exempt Selling Guideline applies to customers in microgrids and embedded networks in New South Wales. These guidelines set out the charging structure and maximum price that can be charged to exempt customers. The maximum price for retail activities regulated under the AER's Retail Exempt Selling Guideline, all-inclusive tariffs for small customers must often be no higher than the applicable standing offer of the local area retailer. As noted above, IPART also is currently undertaking a review to make recommendations to the New South Wales Government on setting maximum prices for electricity, gas and hot and chilled water supplied through embedded network in New South Wales. These price caps could affect the profitability of the project and the payback periods for the solar and battery microgrid assets the Proponent installs.
Additional information
Ongoing reforms and policy development
Other information
1Distribution businesses are permitted to provide standalone power systems to existing customers as an efficient alternative to upgrading or replacing an existing network connection.
2Embedded microgrids are private electricity networks connected to another distribution or transmission system through a parent connection point.
3As explained in the AER (Retail) Exempt Selling Guideline, exemptions were developed to manage the practice of ‘on-selling’ energy – that the main relationship the on-seller has with their customer is not the sale of energy. Most (but not all) exemptions are held by on-sellers.
4Certain provisions of the NER could apply to standalone microgrids if a jurisdiction chooses to list a party as a ‘nominated distributor’ in the relevant regulation. In this case, the nominated distributor may be required to comply with certain provisions set out in the Rules relating to connection services, retail support obligations and credit support obligations, including in Chapter 5A (Electricity connection for retail customers).
5See: Electricity Act 1994 (QLD).
6These provisions apply to generators, transmission entities and distributors whether they are connected to the national grid or not.
7In this hypothetical case study, the Proponent chooses to seek a distribution authority. Alternatively, the Proponent could have chosen to seek a special approval which is also subject to a set of conditions set out in the Electricity Act 1994 (Qld).
8These service levels would not apply to microgrids operated under special approvals unless the special approval contains a condition requiring compliance with the Code.
9See: https://www.aemc.gov.au/sites/default/files/2019-10/AEMC%20SAPS%20prior….
10Registration fees are set out in AEMO’s electricity market fees schedule. See: https://aemo.com.au/about/corporate-governance/energy-market-fees-and-c…
11See: https://aemo.com.au/en/energy-systems/electricity/national-electricity-…
12The “registrable” exemption categories applicable to the distribution of electricity are relevant where there are more than 10 residential or business customers within an embedded network (i.e. categories NR1 and NR2). Where there is sale to large customers, such as a large supermarket, an additional category of registrable exemption would be required for the distribution of electricity (NR5). Further, where there are less than 10 residential or business customers within an embedded network, a series of deemed exemptions (as distinct from registrable exemptions) would be relevant to the distribution of electricity (ND2 and ND1). For the purposes of this case study, we have assumed that the energy supply company would be supplying more than 10 residential and business customers, and no large customers. There are also “Registrable” exemption categories for other situations, including for energy generation installations intended to supply network support or demand management services to the NEM (ie NRO1).
13The National Electricity Rules enable a range of Market Participants – for example, an Integrated Resource Provider, Generator or Market Customer – to classify plant at a market connection point as an ancillary service unit. This classification means the Market Participant will be taken to be an Ancillary Services Provider. As noted above, this case study assumes that the Integrated Resource Provider would provide this function, although the authorised retailer registered as a Market Customer could also act as an Ancillary Service Provider.
14The “registrable” exemption categories applicable to the sale of electricity are relevant where there are more than 10 small commercial/retail or residential customers within an embedded network (ie. categories R1 and R2). Where there is sale to large customers, such as a large supermarket, an additional category of registrable exemption would be required for the sale of electricity (R5). Further, where there are less than 10 residential or business customers within an embedded network, a series of deemed exemptions (as distinct from registrable exemptions) would be relevant to the sale of electricity (D2 and D1). For the purposes of this case study, we have assumed that the energy supply company would be supplying more than 10 residential and small commercial/retail customers, and no large customers.
15See https://www.ipart.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/cm9_documents/Draft-Re…
16See https://www.energy.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-02/NSW_Embedded_…
17More information on licence conditions are available on the IPART website: https://www.ipart.nsw.gov.au/Home/Industries/Energy/Energy-Networks-Saf…
18See https://www.aer.gov.au/industry/registers/resources/reviews/review-aer-…