Addendum to Endeavour Energy trial waiver application and extension of consultation period – 09 June 2023

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has received additional information from Endeavour Energy further to questions posed as part of our consultation process. We have provided this new information as an addendum to the Endeavour Energy trial consultation notice, available here.

To accommodate responses, we have decided to extend our consultation process by six business days (five business days for parties in Victoria, South Australia, the Northern Territory, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales considering the public holiday occurring in these states on 12 June.)

Have your say

We welcome submissions from interested parties on Endeavour Energy’s trial waiver application by close of business, 19 June 2023. Written submissions or requests to make a submission via alternative methods (e.g. through a meeting with AER staff) should be emailed to


This new trial function is part of the AER’s commitment to regulatory sandboxing, which aims to help energy innovators and start-ups navigate complex regulatory frameworks and enable the trial of new products and services that will deliver greater choice and cheaper options for consumers.