Addendum PLUS ES trial waiver application
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has received a request from PLUS ES to amend its original trial waiver application of 29 August 2024.
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has received a request from PLUS ES to amend its original trial waiver application of 29 August 2024. The amendments include an increase in the number of EV chargers to be installed and expansion of the trial project to South Australia. To accommodate responses from interested parties, we have decided to extend our consultation process.
We welcome submissions from interested parties on PLUS ES’s trial waiver application by close of business, 22 November 2024. Written submissions or requests to make a submission via alternative methods (e.g. through a meeting with AER staff) should be emailed to regulatorysandbox@aer.gov.au.
Please note that the amendment forms part of PLUS ES’s trial waiver application and is the views of the trial proponent, not the AER.